( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "screenResolution" in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001470368{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0390790256HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0395790416HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0442805768HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0443807488include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0495826704HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1018840; public $internalName = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $upc = '3770005193041'; public $manufacturer = 8; public $manufacturerId = 1018840; public $pu = 12; public $length = 22.5; public $width = 14.5; public $height = 4.5; public $weight = 405; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2016-08-01'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2016-08-01'; public $ageMin = 10; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 7; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 21.5; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 22; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 22; public $costPrice = 6; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 5; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',5,10,8,9,117,41,73,74,72,12,3,59,100,96,133,134,135,136,137,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:46:{i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:2:"11";i:5;s:2:"12";i:6;s:1:"5";i:8;s:1:"8";i:9;s:1:"8";i:10;s:2:"11";i:12;s:1:"8";i:13;s:1:"4";i:15;s:1:"1";i:16;s:1:"6";i:19;s:1:"3";i:20;s:1:"3";i:21;s:1:"1";i:22;s:1:"6";i:26;s:1:"6";i:30;s:1:"3";i:34;s:1:"4";i:35;s:1:"1";i:36;s:1:"3";i:41;s:2:"10";i:42;s:1:"1";i:44;s:1:"2";i:45;s:1:"6";i:47;s:1:"3";i:50;s:1:"2";i:52;s:1:"2";i:53;s:1:"1";i:55;s:1:"1";i:59;s:2:"13";i:60;s:1:"3";i:72;s:1:"7";i:73;s:2:"12";i:74;s:2:"12";i:79;s:1:"1";i:81;s:1:"5";i:82;s:1:"6";i:95;s:1:"2";i:96;s:1:"8'...; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-18 21:50:20'; public $stockAvailable = 990; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-17 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['PROMOTION_VIDEO' => [...], 'IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Ihr seid nicht allein auf Artemia...'; public $description = 'Wir schreiben das Jahr 2419. \r\n\r\nAlle Informationen über einen Planeten namens Artemia scheinen von den offiziellen Karten getilgt worden zu sein. Neugierig geworden, begebt ihr euch auf eine Expedition dorthin.\r\n\r\nBeim Eintritt in die Atmosphäre stört jedoch ein starkes Magnetfeld die Computersysteme eures Schiffs, setzt sie außer Gefecht und lässt das Schiff in Richtung der Oberfläche trudeln. Der Kapitän lässt einen Notruf senden und befiehlt die Evakuierung. Ihr erwacht unverletzt nach dem Abstu'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = 'd7941251878e412ec8c0eee61e448e89b973373d'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 8; public $name = 'Corax Games'; public $manufacturerId = 8; public $supplierId = 70450; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#f5bc42'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-800.jpeg 800w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg 876w'; public $brandDescription = 'Corax Games steht für interaktionsreiche Spiele mit erwachsenen Themen und gern auch etwas schwarzem Humor.' }, $authors = 'Ghislan Masson', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0523835968HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0523835968HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0523836664HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001470368{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0390790256HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0395790416HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0442805768HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0443807488include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0495826704HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1018840; public $internalName = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $upc = '3770005193041'; public $manufacturer = 8; public $manufacturerId = 1018840; public $pu = 12; public $length = 22.5; public $width = 14.5; public $height = 4.5; public $weight = 405; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2016-08-01'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2016-08-01'; public $ageMin = 10; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 7; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 21.5; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 22; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 22; public $costPrice = 6; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 5; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',5,10,8,9,117,41,73,74,72,12,3,59,100,96,133,134,135,136,137,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:46:{i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:2:"11";i:5;s:2:"12";i:6;s:1:"5";i:8;s:1:"8";i:9;s:1:"8";i:10;s:2:"11";i:12;s:1:"8";i:13;s:1:"4";i:15;s:1:"1";i:16;s:1:"6";i:19;s:1:"3";i:20;s:1:"3";i:21;s:1:"1";i:22;s:1:"6";i:26;s:1:"6";i:30;s:1:"3";i:34;s:1:"4";i:35;s:1:"1";i:36;s:1:"3";i:41;s:2:"10";i:42;s:1:"1";i:44;s:1:"2";i:45;s:1:"6";i:47;s:1:"3";i:50;s:1:"2";i:52;s:1:"2";i:53;s:1:"1";i:55;s:1:"1";i:59;s:2:"13";i:60;s:1:"3";i:72;s:1:"7";i:73;s:2:"12";i:74;s:2:"12";i:79;s:1:"1";i:81;s:1:"5";i:82;s:1:"6";i:95;s:1:"2";i:96;s:1:"8'...; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-18 21:50:20'; public $stockAvailable = 990; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-17 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['PROMOTION_VIDEO' => [...], 'IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Ihr seid nicht allein auf Artemia...'; public $description = 'Wir schreiben das Jahr 2419. \r\n\r\nAlle Informationen über einen Planeten namens Artemia scheinen von den offiziellen Karten getilgt worden zu sein. Neugierig geworden, begebt ihr euch auf eine Expedition dorthin.\r\n\r\nBeim Eintritt in die Atmosphäre stört jedoch ein starkes Magnetfeld die Computersysteme eures Schiffs, setzt sie außer Gefecht und lässt das Schiff in Richtung der Oberfläche trudeln. Der Kapitän lässt einen Notruf senden und befiehlt die Evakuierung. Ihr erwacht unverletzt nach dem Abstu'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = 'd7941251878e412ec8c0eee61e448e89b973373d'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 8; public $name = 'Corax Games'; public $manufacturerId = 8; public $supplierId = 70450; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#f5bc42'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-800.jpeg 800w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg 876w'; public $brandDescription = 'Corax Games steht für interaktionsreiche Spiele mit erwachsenen Themen und gern auch etwas schwarzem Humor.' }, $authors = 'Ghislan Masson', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0523835968HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0523835968HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0523836664HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService::applySizeFilterToThumbnailImage() in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 214
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined method HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService::applySizeFilterToThumbnailImage() in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 214
Call Stack
10.0001470368{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0390790256HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0395790416HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0442805768HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0443807488include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0495826704HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1018840; public $internalName = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $upc = '3770005193041'; public $manufacturer = 8; public $manufacturerId = 1018840; public $pu = 12; public $length = 22.5; public $width = 14.5; public $height = 4.5; public $weight = 405; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2016-08-01'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2016-08-01'; public $ageMin = 10; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 7; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 21.5; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 22; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 22; public $costPrice = 6; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 5; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',5,10,8,9,117,41,73,74,72,12,3,59,100,96,133,134,135,136,137,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:46:{i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:2:"11";i:5;s:2:"12";i:6;s:1:"5";i:8;s:1:"8";i:9;s:1:"8";i:10;s:2:"11";i:12;s:1:"8";i:13;s:1:"4";i:15;s:1:"1";i:16;s:1:"6";i:19;s:1:"3";i:20;s:1:"3";i:21;s:1:"1";i:22;s:1:"6";i:26;s:1:"6";i:30;s:1:"3";i:34;s:1:"4";i:35;s:1:"1";i:36;s:1:"3";i:41;s:2:"10";i:42;s:1:"1";i:44;s:1:"2";i:45;s:1:"6";i:47;s:1:"3";i:50;s:1:"2";i:52;s:1:"2";i:53;s:1:"1";i:55;s:1:"1";i:59;s:2:"13";i:60;s:1:"3";i:72;s:1:"7";i:73;s:2:"12";i:74;s:2:"12";i:79;s:1:"1";i:81;s:1:"5";i:82;s:1:"6";i:95;s:1:"2";i:96;s:1:"8'...; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-18 21:50:20'; public $stockAvailable = 990; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-17 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['PROMOTION_VIDEO' => [...], 'IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Not Alone (de)'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Ihr seid nicht allein auf Artemia...'; public $description = 'Wir schreiben das Jahr 2419. \r\n\r\nAlle Informationen über einen Planeten namens Artemia scheinen von den offiziellen Karten getilgt worden zu sein. Neugierig geworden, begebt ihr euch auf eine Expedition dorthin.\r\n\r\nBeim Eintritt in die Atmosphäre stört jedoch ein starkes Magnetfeld die Computersysteme eures Schiffs, setzt sie außer Gefecht und lässt das Schiff in Richtung der Oberfläche trudeln. Der Kapitän lässt einen Notruf senden und befiehlt die Evakuierung. Ihr erwacht unverletzt nach dem Abstu'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = 'd7941251878e412ec8c0eee61e448e89b973373d'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; protected $legacyRemoteRepository = class HS\Modules\Article\ArticleLegacyAPIRepository { private $legacyApiService = class HS\Framework\LegacyApiService\LegacyApiService { ... } }; protected $localRepository = class HS\Modules\Article\ArticleLocalRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $error = NULL }; protected $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; private $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; protected $propertiesToHideFromVarDump = [0 => 'propertiesToHideFromVarDump', 1 => 'legacyRemoteRepository', 2 => 'localRepository', 3 => 'navigationService']; protected $navigationService = class HS\Modules\Navigation\NavigationService { protected $navigationRepository = class HS\Modules\Navigation\NavigationRepository { ... }; protected $classificationDetailList = NULL }; protected $designers = NULL; protected $error = NULL; protected $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 8; public $name = 'Corax Games'; public $manufacturerId = 8; public $supplierId = 70450; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#f5bc42'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-800.jpeg 800w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg 876w'; public $brandDescription = 'Corax Games steht für interaktionsreiche Spiele mit erwachsenen Themen und gern auch etwas schwarzem Humor.' }, $authors = 'Ghislan Masson', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1acb3a0b-ca99-4dfb-86f0-e1bd23ce6e27', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1018840.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Not Alone (de)'] ).../articlePage.php:69
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