( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "screenResolution" in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001469240{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0500789680HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0505789840HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0550805192HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0551806912include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0606827624HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1027707; public $internalName = 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $upc = '4255682703787'; public $manufacturer = 21; public $manufacturerId = 7421098109902; public $pu = 6; public $length = 23; public $width = 16; public $height = 5; public $weight = 640; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2022-01-24'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2022-01-24'; public $ageMin = 10; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 1; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 6; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 22.5; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 23; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 23; public $costPrice = 7.66; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 5; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',5,6,8,116,41,73,74,72,2,58,80,100,96,79,133,134,135,137,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:37:{i:2;s:2:"12";i:3;s:1:"7";i:5;s:2:"16";i:6;s:2:"15";i:8;s:2:"13";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"7";i:13;s:1:"7";i:14;s:1:"1";i:16;s:1:"1";i:21;s:1:"5";i:30;s:1:"2";i:34;s:1:"1";i:35;s:1:"2";i:36;s:1:"4";i:38;s:1:"2";i:41;s:2:"13";i:49;s:1:"4";i:50;s:1:"1";i:57;s:1:"1";i:58;s:2:"10";i:61;s:1:"3";i:66;s:1:"1";i:72;s:2:"10";i:73;s:2:"18";i:74;s:2:"17";i:79;s:2:"13";i:80;s:2:"11";i:81;s:1:"8";i:95;s:1:"2";i:96;s:2:"16";i:97;s:1:"1";i:100;s:2:"18";i:116;s:2:"18";i:118;s:1:"4";i:127;s:1:"6";i:138;s:1:"3";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-16 14:49:20'; public $stockAvailable = 1658; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-15 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['PROMOTION_VIDEO' => [...], 'IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Eine Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $description = 'Weit oben im Norden, nahe des Polarkreises, bietet eine kleine Reederei einzigartige Touren an: Eisbär-Safaris, Rentier-Schlittenfahrten, Eisfischen und noch vieles mehr. Mit etwas Glück wird es den Gästen sogar möglich sein, die Nordlichter zu erblicken!\r\n\r\nDeine Aufgabe besteht darin, die Gäste an Bord des Schiffes glücklich zu machen, indem du für sie besondere Ausflüge organisierst und ihnen spektakuläre Erlebnisse bereitest. Wem wird das am besten gelingen?\r\n\r\nVersammle die Gäste auf deinen A'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '7af658b0b27af632edfe585f8ee5adb9a01c9ef8'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 21; public $name = 'Kobold Spieleverlag'; public $manufacturerId = 21; public $supplierId = 70695; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/Kobold_Logo.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#71b642'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/Kobold_Logo-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/Kobold_Logo-p-800.jpeg 800w, \r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-1080.jpeg 1080w,\r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-1600.jpeg 1600w,\r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-2000.jpeg 2000w\r\n'; public $brandDescription = 'Der Kobold Spieleverlag lädt zum Reisen und Siedeln ein, zum Säen und Ernten, zum Bauen und Produzieren, zum Sammeln und Handeln. Genau das richtige für harmonische Spieleabende mit Familie und Freunden.' }, $authors = 'Eilif Svensson, Åsmund Svensson', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0633836120HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0633836120HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0633836816HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001469240{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0500789680HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0505789840HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0550805192HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0551806912include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0606827624HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1027707; public $internalName = 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $upc = '4255682703787'; public $manufacturer = 21; public $manufacturerId = 7421098109902; public $pu = 6; public $length = 23; public $width = 16; public $height = 5; public $weight = 640; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2022-01-24'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2022-01-24'; public $ageMin = 10; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 1; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 6; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 22.5; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 23; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 23; public $costPrice = 7.66; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 5; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',5,6,8,116,41,73,74,72,2,58,80,100,96,79,133,134,135,137,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:37:{i:2;s:2:"12";i:3;s:1:"7";i:5;s:2:"16";i:6;s:2:"15";i:8;s:2:"13";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"7";i:13;s:1:"7";i:14;s:1:"1";i:16;s:1:"1";i:21;s:1:"5";i:30;s:1:"2";i:34;s:1:"1";i:35;s:1:"2";i:36;s:1:"4";i:38;s:1:"2";i:41;s:2:"13";i:49;s:1:"4";i:50;s:1:"1";i:57;s:1:"1";i:58;s:2:"10";i:61;s:1:"3";i:66;s:1:"1";i:72;s:2:"10";i:73;s:2:"18";i:74;s:2:"17";i:79;s:2:"13";i:80;s:2:"11";i:81;s:1:"8";i:95;s:1:"2";i:96;s:2:"16";i:97;s:1:"1";i:100;s:2:"18";i:116;s:2:"18";i:118;s:1:"4";i:127;s:1:"6";i:138;s:1:"3";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-16 14:49:20'; public $stockAvailable = 1658; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-15 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['PROMOTION_VIDEO' => [...], 'IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Eine Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'; public $description = 'Weit oben im Norden, nahe des Polarkreises, bietet eine kleine Reederei einzigartige Touren an: Eisbär-Safaris, Rentier-Schlittenfahrten, Eisfischen und noch vieles mehr. Mit etwas Glück wird es den Gästen sogar möglich sein, die Nordlichter zu erblicken!\r\n\r\nDeine Aufgabe besteht darin, die Gäste an Bord des Schiffes glücklich zu machen, indem du für sie besondere Ausflüge organisierst und ihnen spektakuläre Erlebnisse bereitest. Wem wird das am besten gelingen?\r\n\r\nVersammle die Gäste auf deinen A'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '7af658b0b27af632edfe585f8ee5adb9a01c9ef8'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 21; public $name = 'Kobold Spieleverlag'; public $manufacturerId = 21; public $supplierId = 70695; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/Kobold_Logo.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#71b642'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/Kobold_Logo-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/Kobold_Logo-p-800.jpeg 800w, \r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-1080.jpeg 1080w,\r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-1600.jpeg 1600w,\r\nimages/Kobold_Logo-p-2000.jpeg 2000w\r\n'; public $brandDescription = 'Der Kobold Spieleverlag lädt zum Reisen und Siedeln ein, zum Säen und Ernten, zum Bauen und Produzieren, zum Sammeln und Handeln. Genau das richtige für harmonische Spieleabende mit Familie und Freunden.' }, $authors = 'Eilif Svensson, Åsmund Svensson', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0633836120HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0633836120HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '1a5550c8-44f0-4f37-8e50-eb10857bf08a', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 1, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Riverside - Flussfahrt an eisigen Ufern'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0633836816HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1027707.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService::applySizeFilterToThumbnailImage() in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 214
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined method HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService::applySizeFilterToThumbnailImage() in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 214
Call Stack
10.0001469240{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0500789680HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0505789840HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0550805192HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0551806912include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
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Mit etwas Glück wird es den Gästen sogar möglich sein, die Nordlichter zu erblicken!\r\n\r\nDeine Aufgabe besteht darin, die Gäste an Bord des Schiffes glücklich zu machen, indem du für sie besondere Ausflüge organisierst und ihnen spektakuläre Erlebnisse bereitest. 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