( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "screenResolution" in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001469272{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0325789728HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0329789888HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0368805240HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0371807584include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0418824712HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1028495; public $internalName = 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'; public $upc = '4255682704258'; public $manufacturer = 20; public $manufacturerId = 7421098106321; public $pu = 1; public $length = 20; public $width = 17.2; public $height = 7.2; public $weight = 465; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2022-07-22'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2022-07-22'; public $ageMin = 8; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 5; public $expansionOfAid = 1025052; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = 1025052; public $regularPrice = 26.59; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 27; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 27; public $costPrice = 8.5; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',118,45,20,27,18,60,133,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:6:{i:18;s:1:"1";i:20;s:1:"1";i:27;s:1:"1";i:45;s:1:"1";i:60;s:1:"1";i:118;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-18 23:13:58'; public $stockAvailable = 1294; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-17 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Die zweite Erweiterung für Flick of Faith!'; public $description = 'Kon´nichiwa! Ein frischer Wind weht aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne herüber und bringt einen süßen Kirschblütenduft mit sich. Bewundert das prächtige Wahrzeichen Torii oder bündelt eure Kräfte um die mächtigen und unbarmherzigen Oni zu besiegen. Neue Götter sorgen für stürmisches Wetter und schlagen hohe Wellen.\r\n\r\nViele Herausforderungen warten auf euch! Das Land der Kirschblüte ist voll von Geheimnissen und Wundern, aber Götter fürchten sich doch vor nichts, oder?\r\n\r\nFlick of Faith: Das '...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '46d58e75e32d29b4d405d40dbeb3daee70c10f90'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 20; public $name = 'Mirakulus'; public $manufacturerId = 20; public $supplierId = 70694; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/Mirakulus_Logo_web.png'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#fff419'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/Mirakulus_Logo_web.png 300w'; public $brandDescription = 'Jedes Mirakulus-Spiel ist eine Entdeckungsreise in eine einzigartige Welt voller Wunder. Familienfreundliche fantastische Themen laden zum Spielen und Träumen ein.' }, $authors = 'Jan Truchanowicz, Andrzej Betkiewicz', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0481833352HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0481833352HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0481834048HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/Article/ArticleRenderService.php on line 254
Call Stack
10.0001469272{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0325789728HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { ... }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { ... }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = [...]; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ).../index.php:150
30.0329789888HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ).../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64
40.0368805240HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55
50.0371807584include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ).../FrontendPageRenderService.php:411
60.0418824712HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1028495; public $internalName = 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'; public $upc = '4255682704258'; public $manufacturer = 20; public $manufacturerId = 7421098106321; public $pu = 1; public $length = 20; public $width = 17.2; public $height = 7.2; public $weight = 465; public $listingStatus = 1; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2022-07-22'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2022-07-22'; public $ageMin = 8; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 5; public $expansionOfAid = 1025052; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = 1025052; public $regularPrice = 26.59; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 27; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 27; public $costPrice = 8.5; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',118,45,20,27,18,60,133,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:6:{i:18;s:1:"1";i:20;s:1:"1";i:27;s:1:"1";i:45;s:1:"1";i:60;s:1:"1";i:118;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-04-18 23:13:58'; public $stockAvailable = 1294; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 1; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-04-17 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [...]]; public $mediaByType = ['IMAGE' => [...]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...]]; public $designer = [1 => [...], 2 => [...]]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Die zweite Erweiterung für Flick of Faith!'; public $description = 'Kon´nichiwa! Ein frischer Wind weht aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne herüber und bringt einen süßen Kirschblütenduft mit sich. Bewundert das prächtige Wahrzeichen Torii oder bündelt eure Kräfte um die mächtigen und unbarmherzigen Oni zu besiegen. Neue Götter sorgen für stürmisches Wetter und schlagen hohe Wellen.\r\n\r\nViele Herausforderungen warten auf euch! Das Land der Kirschblüte ist voll von Geheimnissen und Wundern, aber Götter fürchten sich doch vor nichts, oder?\r\n\r\nFlick of Faith: Das '...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '46d58e75e32d29b4d405d40dbeb3daee70c10f90'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => [...]]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 20; public $name = 'Mirakulus'; public $manufacturerId = 20; public $supplierId = 70694; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/Mirakulus_Logo_web.png'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#fff419'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/Mirakulus_Logo_web.png 300w'; public $brandDescription = 'Jedes Mirakulus-Spiel ist eine Entdeckungsreise in eine einzigartige Welt voller Wunder. Familienfreundliche fantastische Themen laden zum Spielen und Träumen ein.' }, $authors = 'Jan Truchanowicz, Andrzej Betkiewicz', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'] ).../articlePage.php:69
70.0481833352HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainMedia( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'], $addedLayer = ??? ).../ArticleRenderService.php:67
80.0481833352HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderMainImage( $mediaArray = ['mediaId' => '5761e656-9295-4356-923c-68d434504abd', 'mediaType' => 1, 'path' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.gif', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'articleName' => 'Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung'], $addedLayer = NULL ).../ArticleRenderService.php:52
90.0481834048HS\Modules\Article\ArticleRenderService->limitMainPictureToScreenResolution( $filePath = 'https://www.spiele-offensive.de/gfx/1028495.jpg' ).../ArticleRenderService.php:237
Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung Spiel - im Vertrieb bei B-Rex Entertainment

Flick of Faith: Kirschblüte Erweiterung

Kon´nichiwa! Ein frischer Wind weht aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne herüber und bringt einen süßen Kirschblütenduft mit sich. Bewundert das prächtige Wahrzeichen Torii oder bündelt eure Kräfte um die mächtigen und unbarmherzigen Oni zu besiegen. Neue Götter sorgen für stürmisches Wetter und schlagen hohe Wellen.

Viele Herausforderungen warten auf euch! Das Land der Kirschblüte ist voll von Geheimnissen und Wundern, aber Götter fürchten sich doch vor nichts, oder?

Flick of Faith: Das Schnipsspiel der Götter ist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel für 2 bis 4 Familienspieler ab 8 Jahren rund um Mehrheiten auf den Inseln ihres Lieblingsarchipels mitten am Nabel der Welt.

ACHTUNG: Zum Spielen wird das Grundspiel benötigt!
Autor: Jan Truchanowicz, Andrzej Betkiewicz
Verlag: Mirakulus

Preis: 27,00€
(inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)SKU: 1028495
EAN: 4255682704258
Größe: 20,0×17,2×7,2 (l x b x h)
Gewicht: 0,5 kg

Lieferstatus: auf Lager
Startseite Sitemap AGB Widerruf Datenschutz Impressum